Djitigui Indigo Mudcloth (Authentically Made in Mali)

This Indigo is the real deal! Made with African Indigo and Mud from the Djoliba, carefully painted over Malian produced cotton cloth; by a dear friend & renowned Bogolan Master. He grows the indigo, the cotton, and various plants at his homestead where he preserves the traditional wisdom and art. Bogolanfini is the sacred cloth that comes from the Earth. It's power comes from it's earthen elements.
This is not your fake made-in-china computer generated textile like what we see overpriced and void of its meaning/power on the shelves at popular retail stores.
There is One of this kind. When you wash it the colors will not run or fade. That is how you know authentic cloth, from the fake.
Use this cloth as a wall tapestry, drape it over your bed or headboard, a cloth for your altar, or craft and sew it into something special.
Size: 2 Meters